Friday, April 9, 2010

Game 4 - Red Sox v. Royals (@Kauffman?)

(disclaimer, I have no idea what the Royals stadium is called these days, so I'm sticking with Kauffman, which come to think of it, I'm not even sure it was ever named that).

My method for updates today, box scores and video highlights from (get used to it, I think it's going to be a dry spell on actually catching games on TV). Needless to say, I gave the TV a raspberry when I caught the score earlier tonight (flipping between watching Olivia Munn on Attack of the show and some Food Networking show with Rachel Ray...and yes, my wife was in the room). Just watched the three highlights they have posted at, must have been a great game if one of the highlights is of Chris Getz bunting while out of the batters box.

Looking at the box score, Wakefield pitched a heck of a game, but the pen gave it up...let's hope it's not a trend, but yeah, this pen isn't impressive yet. I love the line for Tejeda (reliever for the Royals), he threw 14 pitches with 3 strikes, walking three in a third of an inning...yet didn't give up a run. Way to squander an opportunity there guys.

Since I don't have any pithy analysis of the game, I'll digress a bit and do an analysis of the new site. While poking around at the box score and video highlights, I noticed that the header changes between pages, isn't it web design 101 to keep that header consistent across pages so it serves as an anchor (aka, don't make me think)? I mean it's annoying enough that MLB feels the need to remind us all over the place that they're 'powered by' Sun and 'powered by' Adobe, but c'mon guys, hire a decent web designer!

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