Friday, April 23, 2010

Game 17 - Red Sox v. Orioles (@Fenway)

It's always good when Baltimore comes to town, and it's even better when Papi gets his first home run of the season and it's still April.

Lester clearly wasn't super sharp, but compared to the messy start he's had, this was a good outing. High pitch count (113 pitches in less than 6 full innings), and too many baserunners (8 via 4 hits and 4 walks). The walks stand out the most since Baltimore isn't exactly a patient lineup, they're the 4th worst team in the major at drawing walks. But all in all, Lester gave them a chance to win which is what's important and hopefully this start helps him turnaround the dreadful start. Especially since he's on one of my fantasy league teams and I need some starting pitching to come around next week!

One thing I noticed while watching highlights and live look-ins on MLB Network tonight (how did I ever survive without a 24hr baseball channel?), seemed that lots of teams were going with the dark jerseys tonight. I guess I'm a traditionalist, but I'm not a fan of all the alternate/special stuff. It doesn't bother me as much when I see teams like the A's wearing black jerseys (they need any help they can get to make some money), but do the Red Sox really need to do it too? One of the few (maybe only?) things I've admired the Yankees for is their sticking to tradition with uniforms. I mean even in the 1970s, they still had pretty standard and traditional uniforms:

compared to the crummy stuff the Red Sox wore:

And speaking of bad taste, the Bing site today had a picture of a turtle on it, not exactly the right image to display next to your search box to give users a feeling that you've got a blazingly fast search engine. At least they give the turtle sunglasses and a cane.

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